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From Ellen's Heart


I am not the same person I was when I left to go to the States a month ago. That trip has changed me. I have been expanded.

Have you ever been to an event and come home thinking differently? Like your mind has been expanded and you will never be the same again?

That is what I am experiencing. Expansion. Growth.

Being part of those live events reminded me of my gifts and abilities, and the need for me to share them with others. It also showed me a new level me that was busting to come out and be seen by the world. She is the new me. The transformed me. She has taken the driver's seat and is now in control of my business, so things will never be the same again.

I learnt some valuable lessons while I was away, there were some challenges in addition to the blessings and I found myself leaning into those challenges and searching for the lessons and opportunities for growth. The old me would have reacted poorly and not been proud of it later. That's growth!

Where are you experiencing growth right now? Or perhaps you aren't but you want to? If that's the case then that is great, because I am ready to take on 5 new clients who are keen to experience growth in their lives, who are ready to take things to the next level and finish the year strong in order to make 2025 their best year yet.

November is the time to lock it all in, why? Black Friday of course! To be honest I have never actually done a Black Friday promotion before, but what I am offering will never be repeated in my business again, and I am excited about it. If you are ready to experience your own expansion, I am offering you a free discovery call to chat with me about how I can help you make 2025 your best year ever.

Meet my boy, Charlie.

He has been a part of our family for the last 6 years and brings so much joy and laughter to our lives. He is incredibly loyal and a fierce protector.

He is bred to live in the paddock ad look after the sheep. Protection is his PURPOSE. That's what he was created for. He is built for it, it is instinct. He didn't always live on a farm with us, we had him in town until we moved to the farm in December 2023, but he took to it like a duck to water. It is where is supposed to be. We didn't have to train him to protect or guard, he just knows how and that's what he does. He will stay up all night protecting us and out turkeys, which involves a lot of barking that often keeps us awake, but we are safe, and he is happy and that's what matters most. He is fulfilling his purpose.

Are you fulfilling yours?

Do you know what your purpose is?

I always knew that mine was helping people. From a really young age I have been finding different ways to help people. I went into my HR career with that purpose in mind, and I honestly thought that was how I would positively impact this world. It has only been since moving into coaching that I really find myself having a real impact. It is such a privilege to work with women and help them to live their absolute best lives. That's my purpose and I am devoting every single day to fulfilling that.

What is your purpose? I speak to many women who don't know yet, and that's ok. I know it will come to you eventually. I really want to encourage you to seek it out now. Actively look for your purpose. Pray or mediate on it and about it. Find what sets your soul on fire and I bet somewhere in that is your purpose. A purpose driven life is so meaningful and can bring you immense joy and satisfaction, so I really encourage you to find your purpose.

Once you do you can live your absolute best life like Charlie and me.

Imagine what you could achieve if you allowed yourself to really dream. I don't just mean have a little dream but dream with the lid off. No limitations. If anything was possible. Just imagine.

What would you want to achieve? What goal would you set for yourself?

Remember when you were a child, and you used to have an incredible imagination where you could be a princess and marry the perfect prince and attend balls and live in a castle? I am talking that level of imagination! Anything is possible.

Because the truth is, anything IS possible, but somewhere along the line society, our family, our environment shoves a lid on our dreams and we get programmed to think small, to play small, to dream small. Well, I think it is time to shake things up a little (or a lot) and start to REALLY allow ourselves to play BIG, to dream BIG, to think BIG. When we allow ourselves to dream big then big things start to happen.

Do you think all those people you are following that are living large got there by playing small? Absolutely not! Success leaves clues, so start to play big like them -you just may start to achieve the things you want to achieve.

I have put this into practice in my own life and have completely transformed my life, and now I dedicate my days to helping others achieve the same, here a a few tips to get started:

  1. Imagine a life where money and time were not an object, and you could go anywhere, be anything, do anything.

  2. What would you do? Where would you go? How would you spend your days?

  3. Visualise that for a few minutes, close your eyes and allow yourself to feel it. How does it feel?

  4. What steps do you need to take to start to make that a reality?

  5. Create an action plan and get to work.

It's that simple.

You absolutely can have the life you dream about if you allow yourself to really dream, and then go after it.

If you get excited about this, but then feel a sense of overwhelm then maybe you need some guidance. I'd love to offer you a free discovery call to see how working together might help you achieve your desired life.

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