I am not the same person I was when I left to go to the States a month ago. That trip has changed me. I have been expanded.
Have you ever been to an event and come home thinking differently? Like your mind has been expanded and you will never be the same again?
That is what I am experiencing. Expansion. Growth.
Being part of those live events reminded me of my gifts and abilities, and the need for me to share them with others. It also showed me a new level me that was busting to come out and be seen by the world. She is the new me. The transformed me. She has taken the driver's seat and is now in control of my business, so things will never be the same again.
I learnt some valuable lessons while I was away, there were some challenges in addition to the blessings and I found myself leaning into those challenges and searching for the lessons and opportunities for growth. The old me would have reacted poorly and not been proud of it later. That's growth!
Where are you experiencing growth right now? Or perhaps you aren't but you want to? If that's the case then that is great, because I am ready to take on 5 new clients who are keen to experience growth in their lives, who are ready to take things to the next level and finish the year strong in order to make 2025 their best year yet.
November is the time to lock it all in, why? Black Friday of course! To be honest I have never actually done a Black Friday promotion before, but what I am offering will never be repeated in my business again, and I am excited about it. If you are ready to experience your own expansion, I am offering you a free discovery call to chat with me about how I can help you make 2025 your best year ever.